Tag Archives: Wilma ten Wolde

16th February 2013, 16:00
Het Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, Amsterdam

Radio Filharmonisch Orkest
Vladimir Jurowski, Wouter Padberg

Groot Omroepkoor
Gijs Leenaars

Nationaal Kinderkoor
Wilma ten Wolde

Torsten Kerl, tenor
Anne Schwanewilms, soprano
Jane Henschel, mezzo-soprano
Johan Reuter, bass-baritone
Christine Goerke, soprano
Andrew Slater, bass-baritone
Maxim Mikhailov, bass
Alasdair Elliott, tenor
Matthew Rose, bass
Katrien Baerts, soprano
Benjamin Hulett, tenor
Kismara Pessatti, alto
Quirijn de Lang, baritone
Hugo Oliveira, baritone


  • Richard Strauss, Die Frau ohne Schatten

live on Radio 4
television recording for webcast on zaterdagmatinee.nl

Concert Manager with the Netherlands Radio Choir

Film with live music
9th, 10th & 11th June 2012, 19:00 & 14:00
De Doelen, Grote Zaal, Rotterdam

Rotterdams Philharmonisch
Ludwig Wicki

Groot Omroepkoor
Gijs Leenaars

Laurens Collegium Rotterdam
Wiecher Mandemaker

Vocaal Talent Nederland
Wilma ten Wolde

Kaitlyn Lusk, soprano

The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers

Concert Manager with the Netherlands Radio Choir

30th March & 1st April 2012, 19:30
Het Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
Iván Fischer

Groot Omroepkoor
Gijs Leenaars

Nationaal Jongenskoor
Wilma ten Wolde

Mark Padmore, evangelist
Peter Harvey, Jesus Christ
María Espada, soprano
Renate Arends, soprano
Ingeborg Danz, mezzo-soprano, alto
Barbara Kozelj, mezzo-soprano, alto
Peter Gijsbertsen, tenor
Henk Neven, baritone, bass

  • Johann Sebastian Bach, Matthäus-Passion

live webcast
live DVD recording

Production Assistant with the Netherlands Radio Choir

Film with live music
4th & 5th June 2011, 19:00 & 14:00
De Doelen, Grote Zaal, Rotterdam

Rotterdams Philharmonisch
Ludwig Wicki

Groot Omroepkoor
Heribert Feckler

Laurens Collegium Rotterdam
Wiecher Mandemaker

Nationaal Jeugdkoor
Wilma ten Wolde

Kaytlin Lusk, soprano

Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring

Concert Manager with the Netherlands Radio Choir