Tag Archives: MaNOj Kamps

Educational workshop and appending concert
14th January 2012, 14:15
Het Concertgebouw, Spiegelzaal, Amsterdam

Groot Omroepkoor
MaNOj Kamps

Suzi Zumpe, workshop leader
Dominic Harlan, composer

Bespiegelingen over Brahms

  • a selection of compositions based on the theme “death”

Concert Manager with the Netherlands Radio Choir

Educational workshop and appending concert
12th January 2012, 15:00
Montessori Lyceum, Aula, Amsterdam

Groot Omroepkoor
MaNOj Kamps

Suzi Zumpe, workshop leader
Dominic Harlan, composer

Bespiegelingen over Brahms

  • a selection of compositions based on the theme “death”

Concert Manager with the Netherlands Radio Choir

Educational workshop and appending concert
9th December 2011, 20:15
Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht

Groot Omroepkoor
MaNOj Kamps

Suzi Zumpe, workshop leader
John Barber, composer

Groot Amadeus Omroepkoor I

  • a selection of compositions based on the theme “water”

Concert Manager with the Netherlands Radio Choir